
ビジネス本を読むことが好きなアラフォー子育て中のサラリーマンです。 多くの人達と同じように、日々の問題をビジネス本の中の考え方やノウハウを試行錯誤しながら取り入れることで解決したり乗り越えてきたので、役に立ったものや面白かったものを紹介していきたいと考えています。

Your Roadmap for Success(著者:John C Maxwell)

 ジョン・C. マクスウェルさんの「Your roadmap for success」という本を読んだので紹介したいと思います。著者のジョンさんは、世界的に有名なリーダシップやマネージメントに関する専門家、講演家です。アメリカのある雑誌(*1)では、リーダシップに関するエキスパートとして一位にランクしています。ジャック・ウェルチ、ディール・カーネギ、フランクリー・コビーなどなど錚々たる面子を抑えての一位なので、どれだけ評価が高いかがわかります。元々は牧師だったそうなのですが、1000万人以上に影響を与えるような人間になりたいということで、INJOYという会社を立ち上げてリーダシップに関する本を書いたり、講演 するようになったそうです。
 そんな彼が書いた「Your roadmap for success」は、50以上ある著作の中でもわりと初期に書かれたものです。日本語訳のものは発行されていない(?)ようです。内容は硬派そのもので、日本での成功本にでてくるような小手先のテクニックのようなものは一切でてきません。目新しい考え方のようなものもないです が、重要な心得について、旅を例えにしたり、偉人の言葉を引き合いに紹介してくれるので、読みやすくもあります。本田宗一郎さんの言葉なども紹介されているのは日本人として嬉しい限りであるとともに著者の研究熱心さを感じます。
 乱暴ですが要旨をまとめると、「成功とは何かになることや何かを達成することでない。成功とは旅のようなもの。自分の人生の目的を理解しそれに向け最大限努力し、 関わる人々に役立つことをすること」ということでしょうか。



■評価 ※ブログ主にとっての役立ち度


 ・TOEIC 730~860




Your Roadmap for Success

Your Roadmap for Success



Success is knowing your purpose in your life growing to reach your maximum potential and sowing seeds that benefits others

Success is knowing your purpose in your life growing to reach your maximum potential and sowing seeds that benefits others.
●Your potential lies ahead of you --- whether your're eight , eighteen , forty-eight, or eighty. You still have room to improve yourself. You can become better tomorrow than you are today.

Success is journey.
●Great thing in this world is not so much where we are but in what direction we are moving.
●Any dream worth living is worth sharing with others. Their dream often shrinks because they haven't shared it. they have to sustain it all by themselves.
●I recognize that success is a process, not destination.
The only difference between who you are today and the person you will be in five years will come from the books you read and the person you associate with.
●Success is knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefits others.
●Be not afraid of going slowly, Be only afraid of standing still.
●A statement by Earl Nightingale, which says," If a person will spend one hour a day on the same subject for five years, that person will be an expert on that subject"
●Soichiro Honda, founder of Honda Motors, offered this insight: "Many people dream of success. To me success can be achieved only through repeated failure and intorspection."
I gradly accepted a cut in pay to receive the opportunity for greater potential.
NBA coach Tat Riley said "Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better."
●Never work alone, it is truly the secret to developing others.
If you continue to be growth oriented rather than goal oriented, you'll stay on the path for success.

●Success magazine(Name of magazine)
Ford he traveled around the country side doing repair work for free, just so he could get his hands on machines.
●Everyone gets an idea in the shower. But the successful ones get out of the shower, dry off, and do something about it.
●A positive attitude without a dream produce a pleasant person who can't progress. A dream toghther with a positive attitude produces a person with unlimited possibilities and potential.
●Did you know that most people give more time to planning their vacations than they do to planning their lives?
●My desire has always been to make a difference in people's life.
Writer C.S. Lewis asserted, "Every person is composed of a few themes"
All success people have the ability to fail. You need to fail forward.
●So on July 9 1995 I preached my last sermon at shrine and traded a career I had poured my life into for 26 years for the ability to devote myself full-time to my company, INJOY. It was right decision. One of my desire is to make a positive impact on lives of more than ten million people during my lifetime.
●When I was seventeen, I started reading with goal of growing peronality, and I began filing quotes and articles for future use.


・Chapter 1: The Journey Is more fun if you know where you're going
○Knowing your purpose
・Chapter 2: Where would I go?
・Chapter 3: How far can I go?
・Chapter 4: How do I get there from here?
○Growing to your maximum potential
・Chapter 5: What should I pack in my suitcase?
・Chapter 6: How Do I handle the detours?
・Chapter 7: Are we there yet?
○Sowing seeds that benefit others
・Chapter 8: Is it a family trip?
・Chapter 9: Who else should I take with me?
・Chapter 10: What should we do along the way
○Afterword: What did you like best about the trip ?


 出版社:Thomas Nelson, Inc
 発行日:2006/1(前身のSuccess Journeyは1997年発行)