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S.M.A.R.T Goals Made Simple(著者:S.J. Scott)

 「S.M.A.R.T Goals Made Simple」という洋書をKindleで読んだので紹介しようと思います。著者は、S.J.Scottさんという方。習慣に関するブログ(以下)を書いたり本を数多く出されています。




 また、自己啓発系の本は日本語だとちょっとしたいかがわしさや、宗教的な要素を感じたりすることがありますが、この本からは一切、そういった匂いを感じない点も特徴的です。(もちろん、英語で細かいニュアンスを読み取れていないこともありますが、、、、、)。 夢実現のような少し非科学的な要素がありそうなテーマを、ロールプレイングゲームのクリア手順のように、さらっとプロセス化、ノウハウ化するところは文化の違いなどもあり興味深いですね。


 さて、本題ですが、中身は目標を達成する技術に関して書かれた本です。目標を設定するところから、それを年、3カ月、週、日単位に落としこみ、かつ確実に実施していくためののノウハウが主に著者の経験ベースに説明されています。タイトルのSmart Goalというのは、Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant time boundaryの頭字語で、具体的で、定量的で、達成可能で、矛盾なく、期限が定められた目標という意味です。漠とした夢や憧れをこのSMART形式に落としこんでいくことで実際に達成可能な目標に変えていくことかと思います。。このSMARTというコンセプトは、著者独自のものではなく1980年代にマネージメントの概念として提唱されていたようですね。










 ・目標進捗を定期的に報告する仲間や、コーチを見つける。(Google help outのようなものを活用するのもあり。残念ながら今はサービスが終了してしまったみたいですが)。 他者への説明責任は、モチベーションを保つ大きな秘訣 ・失敗しても構わない。失敗を繰り返しながら、自分の真に大事な目標を定めていくことが重要。。





■評価 ※ブログ主にとっての役立ち度


 ・C(TOEIC 600~730点ぐらい)



 It's okay if you fail with a particular goal. Just treat each failure as an opportunity to learn something new. The important thing is to redefine the internal boundaries of what you think is possible and can be accomplished in your life.


●Goals help me gain regular insight into what I really want from life and what actions can get me there.
●Tha value of goal setting is that it helps you take an unclear idea and turn it into reality.
Most people focus too much on the outcome and too little on the process.
●Notice how I said schedule time, not find time.
●Start each morning by identifying the three tasks that need to be completed by the end of the day.
●Buy a goal book. Maintaining a dedicated gool book is a powerful habit.
●It might sound trite, but the simplest way to indetify what you want is to imagine your future self lying on your deathbed. What are things you'd regret no being able to do ? When you start at the end, you can reverse-enginneering the rest of your life. The death bed analogy is the simplest way to know what's important and what will ultimately be a waste of time.
●Find others who share a similar interest and meet up on a regular basis.
●Use a weekly review to creat a schedule
●Setting aside time for a daily review is one of the most inportant things you can do to improve the likelihood of reacing goal.
Finding accontability partner who can keep you focused on important goals.(using Google hangouts, Meeting.com, one blogger who provide coaching service)
●It's okay if you fail with a particular goal. Just treat each failure as an opportunity to learn something new. The important thing is to redefine the internal boundaries of what you think is possible and can be accomplished in your life.


People who set goals are much more productive, according to numerous research studies.
●Inspiring relationship with self: I take on hour each week to do something I really enjoy.
●I will expand my business of e-learning digital classroom solutions by appointing two franchisees this year. I will do this by advertising my site mo the international Franchising Association and attending the national convention.
●Focus on one skill.
●Udemy and skillfeed(on line class othe the subject)
●Steven Press field's book. 「The war of art」. This author's best lesson book.
●Useful mobile app for tracking your goal: Lift.do, Goal sync.




Understand what makes a good S.M.A.R.T. goal
Identify what you truly want to achieve
Set goals for all 7 areas of your life
Focus on three-month goals that are achievable
Follow 5 steps for turning S.M.A.R.T. goals into habits
Schedule the completion these habits with a weekly review
Use mind mapping to identify every step for achieving a goal
Track the daily progress of your goals
Overcome five obstacles to S.M.A.R.T. goal setting
Review your goals (the right way) and make sure you're staying on track
Stay motivated by using the power of accountability


 著者:S.J. Scott
 出版社:Oldtown Publishing LLC

