
ビジネス本を読むことが好きなアラフォー子育て中のサラリーマンです。 多くの人達と同じように、日々の問題をビジネス本の中の考え方やノウハウを試行錯誤しながら取り入れることで解決したり乗り越えてきたので、役に立ったものや面白かったものを紹介していきたいと考えています。

I could do anything if I only knew what it was (著者:Barabara sher)



 前回から少し間が空いてしまいましたが、今回はバーバラシェアさんは、「I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was」という本を読んだので紹介し ます。ご存じの方は少ないかもしれませんがバーバラさんは、自分の好きなことをして生きるライフスタイルを大よそ今から40年の前から強く提唱されているアメリカの女性です。アメリカで自己啓発のゴッドマザーと呼ばれ、ベストセラー本を幾つか生み出しています。キャリアカウンセリングのバイブル的な存在にもなっているようです。
 日本では、「書き出すことから始めよう」(原題:wishcraft)という本のみ翻訳、販売されています。「書き出すことから始めよう」は、自分の目標を明確にしていくエクササイズを紹介した本ですが、出版後、そもそも自分の目標や夢が描けない、という相談を数多く受けたでそうです。今回の「I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was」では、相談(悩み)の原因や、対処法(エクササイズ)が紹介されています。




・普通であることに憤り感じる人は、地味な小さな積み重ねがスペシャルなことに繋がっていくことを理解して欲しい。スペシャルな人はたんたんと普通で地味 なことを積み重ねている。

・生活費を稼ぐことは大変重要。だから、今すぐ冒険しろ(例えば、アラスカ横断、アフリカで働く)とは言わない。ただ、自分のやりたいことは絶対に忘れて はいけない。





 彼女自身、アメリカ的なポジティブシンキング(嫌のことは忘れて、さっさと気持ちを切り替える)が常に有効とは考えておらず、ある程度ネガティブさをきち んと受け入れ、その上で対処していくことが大事だと捉えています。そんなプロセスが描かれている本書には、表面的でない奥深さがあります。




I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It

I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It





■評価 ※ブログ主にとっての役立ち度


 ・B(TOEIC 730~860点ぐらい)


what did happy people have in common? They know exactly what they wanted and they felt they were moving towarding getting it.


●In early 1980s, two Hervard psychologists completed a study of people who calls themselves happy. And what did happy people have in common? They know exactly what they wanted and they felt they were moving towarding getting it.
●You should be doing what you love. What you love is what you are gifted at.
●Respect is differentiation. Differentiation is essential for the happiness of adults.
●Action is absolutely essential for people who don't know what they want. Even action in wrong direction is informative.
●When you're doing work you love, it's a gift to the world as well.
●Set goals no matter how tentative, and start the planning process.
●Every single one of us can do things that no one else can do, can love things no one else can love Your particular lives are your treasure.
●A winner is anyone who is doing what he or she loves.
●In every situation, good or bad, they just keep learning. That's what I want you to do.
●You can learn new things at anytime in your life if you're willing to be a biginner.
Regret can't hover for long in the company of determination.

●A friend father got it right when he said "Thg good life is when you get up in the morning and can't wait to start all over again"
●98 percent of Americans are unhappy in their jobs.
We are going to be a nation of experts - consultants and entrepreneurs. Who's going to come shining through these cultural changes? Everyone who is willing to develop what you love into a niche for himself.
●Their greatest regrets were the things they didn't do.
Getting to childhood feeling is one of the things therapists do best.
●Do a Ninety-five year plan.
●Your own success team. Isolation is dream killer.
●Start your business at night
●Have another project lined up before the present one ends. Overlapping goals are essential until your mood turns around.
●Working on both goals at the same time was essential to help her remember who she was.



1. What are you supposed to be doing?
2. How to get lucky
3. resistance, or what stopping you anyway
4. The sure thing
5. Fear of success: Leaving the ones you love behind
6. I want too many things; I'm All over the map.
7. On the wrong track, and moving fast
8. What something I shouldn't want - It's trivial or unworthy
9. Help! I'm Not ready to be born yet
10. Regrouping: It's a whole new game
11. I've lost my big dearm there's nothing left
12. Nothing ever interests me
13. A rage against ordinary
14. The red herring, or Trying hard to love something you don't really want




 著者:Barbara sher
 出版社:Dell publishing